Commissioned by Jack the Dog (Jeffrey Kowalkowski and Carrie Biolo). First performed by the composer, Matthew Sexton and Carter Pann on a University of Michigan Composers Forum on April 22, 1996.
Pedestrians was written in the summer of 1995. Its subtitle suggests its inspiration: “Summer in the City.” Using an economy of musical material, the five-minute movement depicts an image of a wild city street bustling with diverse activity. Motorists, bicyclists, rollerbladers, skateboarders, joggers, and street musicians variously assert themselves and their music of choice, be it aloud or in headphones. Yet all activity comes to a relative halt for the pesky pedestrians, at once at the lowest and highest end of this urban “food chain.”
Two percussionists and Piano
Available for sale at Steve Weiss Music
Pedestrians (or Summer in the City)
Two percussionists and Piano
Available for sale at Steve Weiss Music