Written for and premiered by the University of Michigan Digital Music Ensemble, Stephen Rush, conductor. December 4, 1993, Macintosh Theater, School of Music, University of Michigan.
In this piece I was interested in the possibilities of multiple synthesizer players creating a hyper-ensemble by moving through numerous preset sounds; in effect utilizing a type of electronic orchestration that would be easy to rehearse and perform. Musically the biggest inspiration was Ennio Morricone, and the Western movie genre in general. Morricone also explored combinations of timbres that both exceeded standard orchestration and required the recording process to bring in to clear focus. Hidden in my, as always, pun-ful title is the idea of technology “taming” the Western world.
Five Roland JV-80 Synthesizers played live
The Taming of the West
Five Roland JV-80 Synthesizers played live